G4G14 Exchange Bag


G4G14 Exchange Bag


Items contributed as part of the Gift Exchange of the 14th Gathering 4 Gardner held April 6-10, 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Collection Items

Sierpinski Tetrahedron
A 3D-printed copy of the 5th-level (i.e., 1024 tetrahedrons) approximation of the Sierpinski Tetrahedron.
Please enjoy the beautiful shadows under sunshine.
In particular, this object has projections with positive measure and the shadow contains an…

Build 14 Bridges
The puzzle is strongly related to the number 14.
The trick is based on a pythagorean triple.
The size of the puzzle is about 10cmx10cmx2.5cm, and it is made by MDF.
Goal: Put all bridges on the board.

Modular Space-Filling Tetradecahedra
This Gift Exchange item will consist of four flat pre-cut polyethylene sheets that can be assembled to produce two truncated octahedra with connectors for interlocking into the space-filling arrangement of copies of this polyhedron. Multiple…

The Martian Mayor Problem
The Martian Mayor Problem looks at designing square modular networks which create Euclidean distances between modules. The catch is that there are a limited number of tunnels (connections) between modules. This is a mostly open problem as far as I…

How to Put This Design on an Egg
I have made a full-color, two-sided instruction sheet on how to draw the attached design on an egg, along with a laminated picture of one of my eggs that has adhesive on the back to become a sticker.

Big Knot Variation
Burr puzzle designed by Oskar van Deventer (used with permission). For G4G14, this 14-piece puzzle felt appropriate. Contrary to the name of the puzzle, these exchange puzzles are in fact rather small.

Losing Friends with Non-transitive Pip Dice
A pair of standard, pipped, six-sided dice has had its pips painted in three colors. When you roll one of them and count pips of two of the colors, on average, white beats red, red beats blue, and blue beats white. However, when you roll both dice…

Custom Zometool Struts
3D printed custom Zometool struts, and a Zometool ball.

Free the Pearl
Applying the planar puzzle mechanism of the Magic Disc puzzle to a three-dimensional form yields an interesting and challenging coordinate motion puzzle.

Sudoku with some added rules. This puzzle can only be solved in conjunction with the gift "Palindromes" by Elizabeth Gallagher.

Shibori Dyed Hankerchiefs
In anticipation of G4G14, I undertook the mathematical art project of using itajime shibori to dye hundreds of handkerchiefs so that each participant could receive a unique such handkerchief in his or her gift bag. The handkerchiefs represent six of…

Cube-it Puzzle
9 loose square wafers of plastic with a hole in the center of all but one that has a cylindrical pin. It is clear that the wafers can be stacked on the pin. 7 of the wafers have notches of various size in the edges. There are no hints included. Each…

A G4G14 Puzzle
This is a paper ring with a number puzzle. The hint is actually the logo that is at the beginning (which of course will be right after the end when it's a ring).

Zebra Stripe Card
Zebra stripe IBM binary card.

Veternary - Magic Trick
An animal based who-is-who in which with the right three questions any animal becomes uniquely identified using a ternary "sieve". For the first 16 animals this also works in binary.

Peace Angel Maze Card
Full color original art maze card of an Angel seeking peace.

Hand of Art Stickers
Two removeable vinyl stickers of the artist's hand.

Like Origami meets Lego. No scissors, tape, or glue. This modular paper cutout is based on triangular geometry and mates with neighbors (edge-connecting) to create tetrahedra, octohedra, and icosahedra. The resulting polyhedra can then mate once…

Polarizing Puzzle
Two rectangular sheets that filter light according to polarization- with a twist. Rotating the two sheets ninety degrees with respect to each other results in all light blocked as expected, but flipping over a sheet also gives a similar result. Does…

Akio's Dahlia Star Translucent
I invented the Fibonacci Turbine in an origami way. The wing itself functions as a rotating shaft. The structure is so simple that it is robust. It can be used for many engineering applications.

Sudoku with some added rules. This puzzle can only be solved in conjunction with the gift "Entropy" by Neil Calkin.

Magic Pizza Guy
Solve these puzzles and get a pass to the Magic Castle.

Conway's Game of Life
Conway’s Game of Life needs no introduction to fans of Martin Gardner. Numerous examples exist in which a GoL “spaceship” object sends out smaller objects (“gliders”, etc.) that move away from the generator at a constant speed. That speed is set by…

Warped-Grid Jig-Saw Puzzle
With a laser-cutter, it is easy to make one-of-a-kind jigsaw puzzles. The question then is what pattern of cuts to use. Here is a gallery of some experiments I have been making in which the cut pattern is based on a warped grid. A pseudorandom…

BUILD your OCTAROLLER ! from 3 parts square.
RACE your OCTAROLLER ! down the ramp in a straight line.
CHEER your OCTAROLLER ! with supplied cheering pom pom on a toothpick.
Octaroller is included in Geometric Foundations of Design: Old and New…
View all 56 items


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