Browse Items (71 total)
My artwork, 'Golden Magic', especially created for G4G13 conference is dedicated to four remarkable men: Martin Gardner, Raymond M. Smullyan, Tom Rogers, and Al Seckel. Rich in golden mean proportions the composition consists of 13 elements placed…

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Assemble a paper sculpture of the Wolfram logo, affectionately known as "The Spikey".

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Giving a little history and step by step instructions on how to crochet regular hyperbolic octagon with 45-degree angles.

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My contribution to the gift exchange is stickers hiding clues leading to a mathematical treasure hunt I'm hosting across my blog and a few other spots on the internet. I also have a physical prize for the first person to reach the end.

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The Chiral Icosahedral Hinge Elastegrity resulted from a Bauhaus paper folding exercise, that asks material and structure to dictate form. The key new object obtained in 1982 involved cutting slits into folded pieces of paper and weaving them into 8…

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I was surprised at M.C. Escher’s exhibition in 1982 and hoped to create a tiling pattern by myself. But I worried about creating everyday, and time was gone without any one pattern during 2 months. When I watched Escher’s sketch book, I found thinner…

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Two Lenticular cards from Germany - one shows Pangea the last supercontinent 300 million years ago, and the second card shows the map of the globe in the next Heat Age when all the ice melts. This may result in a net gain in land!

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This document contains original diagrams and instructions for making a truncated icosahedron (Buckyball) using hexagon and hexagon/pentagon strip modules designed by the author.
Two transparency sheets chosen at random from a larger selection. Combining any two different sheets reveals a different secret image. Exchange recipients are encouraged to find each other and combine sheets to reveal all of the images.

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On the picture you can see the visual design of my Gift Exchange item. The object is based on aligning RGB Spidron puzzles.

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Artwork of a low-resolution figurative tree.

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