About the Archive
What is the G4G Foundation?
Gathering 4 Gardner (G4G) “gathers” together the most brilliant and inquisitive minds in recreational mathematics, magic and illusion, puzzles and games, skepticism, science, literature, and especially the intersections of these subjects to honor the legacy of polymath, Martin Gardner. From our incredible community comes an outpouring of insightful papers, creative activities, clever objects, and intriguing presentations, which we strive to share with the world through our website, social media, and this online archive!
To learn more about G4G Foundation, please visit: www.gathering4gardner.org
What is the Gift Exchange Archive?
Traditionally, every G4Gn conference includes a Gift Exchange in which attendees swap puzzles, magic tricks, artwork, papers, novelty items, books, etc. Participants in the exchange must submit either an item for the physical Exchange Bag or a document for the Exchange Book–or both! Our goal with this online archive is to make these these unique exchange gifts publicly accessible (with permission from the owner) in the spirit of sharing ideas, encouraging collaboration, and inspiring curiosity.
Many of the items in this Archive were created specifically for the G4Gn Gift Exchange and are not available for purchase.
We have started the project by entering a selection of items into the archive database from the three most recent G4Gn conferences (G4G13, G4G14, G4G15) to provide a "teaser" experience. Our ultimate plan is to archive the gifts from ALL of the past G4Gn conference exchanges. This project will take time and resources to bring to fruition, so please consider supporting our efforts by clicking the link below.
To make a donation to this worthy cause, please visit: www.gathering4gardner.org/donate
If you notice a correction or can provide details where were are missing information about a specific item, please submit a comment through the Contact Us page.
Thank You!