Browse Items (28 total)
A very small infinity cube with acrylic 2-way mirrors on the inside, with a hole for inserting a light source. Comes as a kit: 6 laser cut squares with finger joints and a small keychain light.

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For it's decade of existence the Circo Matemático (mathematical circus), a autonome group of popularisers of mathematics part of the Ludus Association, designed a deck of cards.

The poker-sized cards (63x88 mm) are COPAG 310 quality, slimline, with…
A mathematical magic trick you can carry in your wallet and perform at a moments notice.

I will describe an original magic trick based on mathematics.

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This paper presents 15 vignettes, each designed to evoke both mathematics and magic. We end with a super-generalization of the Chefalo Rope Trick and the insight that 15 = 3 x 5 = 1x1 + 1 x 1 + 2 x 2 + 3 x 3.
Moscow Puzzle 196 requires that the puzzler build a gadget and then use the gadget to solve the puzzle. We are providing the gadget parts for you to build.
When you spin a penny on a smooth tabletop and let it fall heads or tails, is there a bias toward one side? Or is it a 50/50 expectation? Martin Gardner claimed over the years that there is a heads bias, or a tails bias, but didn't explain why he…
My bgift is two puzzle postcards
Explanation and applications of a mathematical principle for hands-off self-working card magic

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A bookmark featuring a tribute to Martin Gardner using each of the 100 Scrabble tiles exactly once.
Two transparency sheets chosen at random from a larger selection. Combining any two different sheets reveals a different secret image. Exchange recipients are encouraged to find each other and combine sheets to reveal all of the images.

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A spectator, with good arithmetical abilities, opens an invisible safe and deposits some invisible coins in it. The magician has the spectator do some arithmetic, receives the final result and then correctly opens the safe and retrieves the correct…
A small bag containing twelve square tiles, each with a different pentomino marked on it. Instructions for use in divination are included, along with a set of puzzles using the runes.

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An overview of an old magic trick called "The Animal Hunter", how it has appeared throughout my life, and an example of an idea how someone could apply it for their own use.

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A card (roughly the size of an index card) with an image that contains 54 playing cards (some duplicates, of course!). A spectator chooses one of the playing cards and, after a few questions, the magician reveals the choice!

The premise is similar…
We, on behalf of ThinkFun, would like to submit a physical gift based on a personal letter sent from Martin Gardner to one of our founders, Bill Ritchie, in 1994. We will submit photocopies of the letter, which describes how to perform the magic…
Solve these puzzles and get a pass to the Magic Castle.

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