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The Chiral Icosahedral Hinge Elastegrity resulted from a Bauhaus paper folding exercise, that asks material and structure to dictate form. The key new object obtained in 1982 involved cutting slits into folded pieces of paper and weaving them into 8…

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My contribution to the gift exchange is stickers hiding clues leading to a mathematical treasure hunt I'm hosting across my blog and a few other spots on the internet. I also have a physical prize for the first person to reach the end.

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In 1909, the Lyon Manufacturing Co. of Brooklyn, NY, published a small advertising booklet for Mexican Mustang Liniment. The booklet contained sixteen Sam Loyd puzzles, most signed with Loyd’s name. Most of the puzzles were duplicates or redrawn…

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This item is a postcard announcing The Book of Why, by Judea Pearl and Dana Mackenzie, a book to be published in May 2018 by Basic Books. This book confronts the hoary old adage, "Correlation is not causation," which has been taught to generations of…

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Sudoku Ripeto and Custom Sudoku are the first Sudoku variants with repeated numbers and letters (please visit As such, they require new solving tricks and techniques.

I am glad to offer an assortment of books featuring…

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Giving a little history and step by step instructions on how to crochet regular hyperbolic octagon with 45-degree angles.

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Assemble a paper sculpture of the Wolfram logo, affectionately known as "The Spikey".

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A maze on a flexagon, where the faces keep getting rearranged, adding an additional challenge to finding your way through the maze.

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Bill Gosper shared this problem with me. He calls it the Tax Man Problem. In the province of Peculia Pecunia, you are paid on an annular basis. That is, you get a (unit radius) gold disk from whose center is punched a smaller disk which you donate to…

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